Monday 20 February 2012

Tower Bridge or the Gateway Arch?

Whistle, whistle, whistle, we're getting closer to Screnzy by the day. 41 days to go. So it seems that it's time to get my act together and write up some ideas.

I already have one or two thoughts on what I shall be writing about. It's probably best if I just hand you my logline on a silver platter. Here you go.

In the near future, Tower Bridge becomes a temporal portal, meaning people can walk forwards or backwards one day in time.

That's really all you need to know.

The idea is one that's been tugging at the back of my mind like a toddler pulls on his mother's skirts - it wants attention, and it wants it now. Of course, this particular toddler isn't hungry or thirsty or requires the latest in teddy bear technology. Instead, it just wants to be written out. Find me a toddler who wishes to be 'wriiten out', and I'll award you a prize. A sur-prize.

So far, that's pretty much all I have. I could substitute London's Tower Bridge for, maybe, St Louis' Gateway Arch, but tell me the truth: Which is the more iconic, cliched of the two? Have a look, see for yourselves.


Yeah, you're right. Probably Tower Bridge. However, I do like the prospect of using the Gateway Arch. I would feel less guilty about blowing it sky-high, for one. Plus, it's taller. 630 feet, to be precise. (I'm an expert on the Gateway Arch. Been there, done that, got the bookmark. Literally.) And also, I don't have the problem of placing the damn time gate either. Where exactly do I place a two-dimensional time gate on Tower Bridge? Probably between the road and the supporting beam thingies joining the towers, I guess.

Any of you lot out there have opinions? I would be more than happy to recieve them. That's not to say that I'll take them into account though. Drop an idea in the comments section or send me an email at:

Thank you. Now, what are the pros and cons of each...?

N.B. I did, eventually, get past the 'doubting oneself' stage of selecting an environment, and decided to go for Tower Bridge.

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