Friday 17 February 2012

Allow Me to Introduce Myself...

Oh, hello there, denizens. I see you've located my blog, and this message, too. But that's obvious. Isn't it?

Allow me to introduce myself. I am Professor Pisces, though that is but one of my many names. I happen to write. A lot. I consider myself an amateur author, as I'm both an amateur and a writer, which is synonymous with writer, so it works. I like to write day and night, though night-time is usually when I can spare the moments. Usually, it's short stories, though every so often I go in for something larger and more complex. More often than not, I crash and burn. However, I've recently indulged myself in a little NaNoWriMo and, in the past few days, signed up to Script Frenzy. Trust me, I'll explain that later. Key words there: 'Indulge' + 'NaNoWriMo' + 'Script Frenzy'. For me, those words fit together wonderfully.

This is probably why everyone believes me to be insane.

Personally, I prefer genius, but alright: I'll be the first to admit that there's a thin line between genius and crazy person. Or, as a friend likes to say, "carzies". Needless to say, one day we'll both wind up in Bedlam.

In the meantime though, I shall utilise this particular corner of cyberspace to self-publish my work - at least, short stories and occasionally some novel ideas (note the double meaning there). And, seeing as the title of this blog includes the word 'journal', I'll use it as such. But only for writing-related stuff. Don't expect me to get deep and personal, because that just isn't me. My purpose here is to be decisively mysterious yet interesting, feeding the crowds with my work. Eat, paper-shredding machine, eat!

Here, I bid you good day. I'm off to find something to post.

Kind regards,
   An Insane Author

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