Monday 20 February 2012

Other Screnzy Folk

It appears that my posts actually do get read by some of you humanoid beings, as suddenly I've recieved the news that my colleague Rinrei is joining me for the frenzy. Wonderful. It seems I have the unusual ability to spread my craziness. It's contagious, I tell you. Quarantine me.

In fact, don't, because I'm really rather looking forwards to Script Frenzy. If you're going to lock me away, at least do me the honour of giving me a laptop, an internet connection and  trusty scriptwriting software. Or, alternatively, shove two hundred sheets of ruled paper through the door with a packet of biros attatched. Please?

Well, I'll be taken away to a top secret prison right underneath the Tower of London now. Maybe I'll get a good view of Tower Bridge... But not if I'm underground, right? Sigh.

Planning for Screnzy,
   A particularly contagious Insane Author.

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