Saturday 18 February 2012

How'd You All Find Me?

Yeah, I'm talking to you. The sane ones, supposedly. I have a question. How'd you all find me?

There appears to be a fair number of you people, all peeking at my blog. Rest assured, I'll be posting stories (and ideas for them) soon enough. I'll not be posting anything particularly revolutionary out there. After all, some of you may be plagiarists. Yes, I'm looking at you, Matt. No, I'm not forgiving you for stealing my motto.

In short, thanks. If you're enjoying my mad ramblings so far, please either a) see a special doctor or b) subscribe, either via the usual method or by email using the 'subscribe by email' bar that should be appearing at the bottom of this page very soon indeed.

Expect to see some changes to the design as I continue to develop this home for myself, the cuckoo writer. Also, maybe somebody should keep track of how many different synonyms I can find for 'crazy writer'.

Write to live, live to write.

   A Crazy Writer

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