Tuesday 21 February 2012

Names! Argh!

Argh! Argh! Argh!

Yes, it's that time again. Time to create a name for my Screnzy script. Unfortunately for me, I'm all out of ideas.

Naming is not something that comes naturally to me. I'm a fickle creature: I'll pick a manageable working title and go with it for a while before changing it, then I'll repeat the whole process. So what I want to know is: How the heck do I choose the right title?

Choosing the right title can be difficult. It's a very trivial thing to be thinking about at this stage, but it must be thought about nonetheless. Unless, of course, one is writing for oneself, in which case one can be conservative and leave out the whole title malarkey. I am not, in this case, writing for myself.

Sometimes, a title will jump out at you from a body of text, whereas others (and this is the more common, in my case at the very least) must be slowly excavated over time. There is an art in delicately unravelling a good but subtle title, I think. But right now, I NEED A TITLE! And I can't find one!

The problem is Screnzy. I need a title for using with my Screnzy script. It doesn't want to come out of hiding. I'd rather like one that isn't too cheesy, but a bit mystical and makes you think, "What's that about?". (If you haven't already seen it, look at my prior posts to do with Screnzy.) I'm considering several options right now. Here's the current list:
  • Yesterday's Tomorrow - implies something to do with time, maybe also travelling through it, but it seems to have a link to a Star Trek episode. Hmph.
  • The Door - pretty true to the premise of the story, but it seems too much like the name of the band and a short story you'd find in among Edgar Allan Poe's complete works.
  • Timegate - maybe a little forward, plus it puts me in mind of 'Stargate', which is now an old, old thing.
See, I have a shortlist, but I'm really not too keen on any of them so far. The script's most likely going to be a TV series, so I want something short and sweet that's memorable and unconnected to other things. Any ideas? Contact me, or leave a comment.

I'll just run off and tear my hair out now.

   A Title-Crazed Author

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