Wednesday 22 February 2012

A Grand Opening

Having moved on past the minor crisis of not yet having a name to put to my script, I've now gotten to the actual planning part. Now I am not one of those people who enjoys planning to the excess. (Note that that sentence can have two meanings. I'm implying both.) I generally take it as it comes, letting the creative juices flow. Except I can't really do that here. Not with Screnzy.

The thing about Screnzy, or what I think about Screnzy so far, is that you probably have to plan your story out before going on to write the damn thing. I have no problem with planning, it's just that I... lack in ideas at times. This time round, I'm lacking in a suitable opening for my big TV series.

Now I've already asked about a venue from which to spring a time gate, or temporal portal, and I have had a few responses to that - not that I can name anybody. New to my 'list' of locations is the Arc de Triumph in Paris. I'm also wondering about creating my own monument for my own personal purposes. However, it's not the location that troubles me at present. It's the opening itself.

I can't get hold of a single idea right now, or at least, not an idea that I can see working. Here's what my thought process to date seems to have been:
"Chaos on Tower Bridge. People like chaos, and Tower Bridge is workable. Me like."
"Wait, me no like so much. Tower Bridge isn't quite as accessible as I thought. Plus, the opening-bridge-thing doesn't open as far as I would want it to. Great. Now I have to start over."
"Ooh, what about this? Create my own monument. Then have chaos and running and screaming. But what's the source of this chaos? It would be silly to be scared of blue arcs of electricity leaping from a stone archway, wouldn't it?"
"Include an assassination, maybe. That sounds promising. But who to kill, and why would a temporal gateway open up? Gr, this is harder than I thought...
And the most recent development is that maybe it's not a monument at all, but a sculpture instead in the middle of some odd sculpture garden. I'm getting real annoyed at myself now...

In answer to the ideas swarming my head, I'm putting up a poll. Vote for which idea you think is best, one of either:
  • Tower Bridge
  • The Gateway Arch
  • The Arc de Triumph
  • A Sculpture-Arch
  • A Nonexistent Monument of My Own Creation
If all readers could partake, that would be much appreciated. This being the biggest design issue facing me right now, I think it's best to ask the wider community.

Going mad,
   A really rather Irate Author

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