Saturday 14 April 2012

Halfway There...

Wahey! I'm a day off being halfway through Script Frenzy!

 At this point in time, I have exactly 59 pages. Unfortunately, twenty of those pages are on lined paper and must be transcribed to Celtx so that I can be sure that I have what I think I have. The problem with writing by hand as well as typing it up is that there's no way you can actually tell how many digital pages you've written on paper. Currently, I'm estimating that one and a half lined paper pages equals a page of Celtx goodness. I hope to the Lord on high that I'm right, or better still, have overestimated and have written far more than simply 59 pages.

This aside, the story is going very well. Now almost 60% the way through my grand masterpiece, I've decided that around seven scenes need axing from the program. That means that approximately two thirds of what I've written is now moot; that is to say, obsolete. This is, no doubt, simply the best thing to realize when you're halfway into a long month of literary abandon. However, I've made the (intelligent) decision to carry on as if nothing's happened. The editing comes after the Frenzy. I tried deleting and rewriting a section a few days into Screnzy, and that didn't turn out so great.

So, I'm not actually following the Script Frenzy approved plan of writing 3.333 pages a day. Instead, I've been writing four, which lands me with a projected total of 56 pages by the end of today. Needless to say, 59 is more than 56 and that means I am almost a whole day ahead of my plan. If I can write five more pages today - which is what I want to do, BTW - I'll be two days ahead of the infernal beast of Screnzy. Great.

Hopefully by Tuesday I'll be past seventy pages. As it is, I can write at a rate of three to six pages per hour (3-6 pg./hr). It's unusual... I appear to write more quickly by hand than on the computer. Maybe that's because I get distracted by the Internet.

Speaking of which, I should really get back to writing now. So allow me to bid you farewell now - I have an episode to write!

   A Tired Scriptwriter

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