Saturday 31 March 2012

Keeping Track of Screnzy

This is republished from my main blog, 'A Whole Different Kettle of Fish'.

Well, Script Frenzy begins tomorrow and I'm not going to have time to say this during the event, so I'm saying it now.

From here on in, I'm in The Zone. This means that pretty much everything I do over the next month or so shall be Screnzy related in some way or other. Seeing as Screnzy's going to take over my life for thirty days (assuming I don't simply burn out and die), I'll talk a lot about what I'm up to and all that good stuff. Alternatively, I'll chuck it over to my other, sideline blog, 'Journal of an Insane Author'. (Note: That's this blog.) However, in each post remotely to do with Screnzy, you shall see this thing below.


This is a widget. If it's not working for you, then to heck with your computer.

This little gadget's purpose in life is to show you my stats. It'll tell you how many pages I've written so far. At the end of Screnzy, it'll stick and be stuck forever. (That was a clumsy sentence, but oh well.) It shall act as a marker. I'm sad to say that it's quite likely that this blog shall be overrun with these widgets before the month is out. So now you know what they are.

If you want to look at my stats without the easiness of the described widgets, you can find me on the Script Frenzy site at:

Have fun with that.

And now, I have some last minute planning to do...

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