Sunday 1 July 2012

Dead Fish Productions

It was late last night when I decided that I was going to start up a production company. (Not a real, official company, but you know what I mean - it sounds better than 'group'.) Together with my friend Bill, we formed Dead Fish Productions, a group with a single purpose: to create short films, audio plays and animations (perhaps; only 'short films' is confirmed).

So it is that we exist: Professor Pisces as director and scriptwriter, Bill as the one-man camera crew and digital artist and now my own brother, Bod, as an actor, stuntman and continuity editor.

To deal with documenting the process of producing such films, I've set up a new blog - Dead Fish. On the official Dead Fish site, you'll see the production process followed through, bit by bit, from the conception of an idea through to the end credits and evaluation. When we eventually manage to produce something, we'll post it on YouTube over our as-yet nonexistent channel as well as linking it to the Dead Fish blog.

Head over there now and join us for the journey - it's bound to be a good show.

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